assalamualaikum wr.wb hello everyone! i have a question for all of you , what is part of speech? i hope you don't know about it OK let me tell you something good about part of speech . What Is a Part of Speech? Parts of speech are among the first topics we learn when we are in school or when we start our English language learning process. Parts of speech can be defined as words that perform different roles in a sentence. Some parts of speech can perform the functions of other parts of speech too. Parts of Speech Definition The Oxford Learner’s Dictionary defines parts of speech as “one of the classes into which words are divided according to their grammar, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc.” The Cambridge Dictionary also gives a similar definition – “One of the grammatical groups into which words are divided, such as noun, verb, and adjective”. Different Parts of Speech with Examples Parts of speech include nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepo...